Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Xina Solar One Concentrated Solar Power Csp In South Africa

Xina Solar One Concentrated Solar Power Csp In South Africa
This Concentrating Cosmological Thorough knowledge (CSP) project will form the main solar multiple in Africa united bearing in mind Abengoa's spy KaXu Cosmological One that is at the moment underneath makeup in the land. Move forward of Xina Cosmological One Concentrating Cosmological Thorough knowledge (CSP), a 100 MW parabolic run down spy bearing in mind a five-hour thermal energy enfold system by molten salts. This Concentrating Cosmological Thorough knowledge (CSP) project will form the main solar multiple in Africa united bearing in mind Abengoa s spy KaXu Cosmological One that is at the moment underneath makeup in the land. Abengoa's new Concentrated Cosmological Thorough knowledge (CSP) project will be constructed close to Pofadder, a city in the north of the Northern Promontory Political unit, side to KaXu Cosmological One. These two 100 MW Concentrated Cosmological Thorough knowledge birds will simultaneously testify the main physically powerful solar multiple in Africa. Xina Cosmological One will belong to a care, 40% of which is restrained by Abengoa. Extra constituents of the care are the Built-up Move forward Contract (IDC), the Joint Assets Contract (PIC), and KaXu. Xina Cosmological One was awarded to Abengoa in the third thorough of renewable energy projects program by the Sphere of Endeavor of South Africa.

Stick out Start : 2013

Universe command date: July 2014 Stick out End : October, 2016 Situation : Working The boards : Feat Fragment : Thorough knowledge and Sea Scope type : Cosmological Thorough knowledge Fish farm Technology: Parabolic run down Country: South Africa Power: 100.00 MW not=2231

Concentrated Cosmological Thorough knowledge, Concentrating Cosmological Thorough knowledge, CSP, Concentrated Cosmological Thermal Thorough knowledge, solar power, solar energy, Abengoa, South Africa, Africa, Xina Cosmological One, KaXu Cosmological One,