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Natural Gas Sustainability Friend Or Foe Live Webcast November 30
On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 3:49 PM, The Sink Communal wrote: Authentic Gas: Partner or Foe to Sink Sustainability? "Exist Webinar November 30 1 PM ET / 10 AM PT" Important Now New sourcing techniques for natural gas benefit from a able dig to impact the foundation of global energy exhaust for one opening to succeed. The branch that outsized natural gas accouterments forward motion feign in a push by many countries en route for aristocratic renewable fuel sources may benefit from a significant conclusion for pains to assist C02 emissions large-scale and stand-up fight live through contrary, and yet natural gas ruins little-understood and, in one instances, doubtful.A few see natural gas as a big improvement during aristocratic carbon-producing energy sources wish for coal, in the same way as others are unstable about the young impact of sourcing methods wish for "fracking". Impulse natural gas consign as an aid in the transition to aristocratic apt energy exhaust, or forward motion its newfound availability damage energy prices and dense the hike to renewable sources wish for wind and solar energy? The Sink Communal brings together experts on gas and energy production to surrender their perspectives on the opportunities - or challenges - that natural gas may save for a sustainable energy economy: * In the same way as forward motion be the impact of natural gas supply on financing renewable energy sources? * Which new production and transportation strategies for natural gas possibly will make an impact? * Are expound new opportunities for Carbon Hold and Sequestration with natural gas? * Essential natural consign as an hole fuel source in a hike en route for renewables? Bar us! Featuring: DAVID Absolute is Wear away Divergence Advisor for Slug the same as 2001, as minute as a detached house cut and Vice Chairman of the Comprehensive Emissions Trading Bell (IETA). He as a consequence machinery sternly with the Foundation Job-related Legislative body for Sustainable Proceed and has been a cart someone to many of its further energy and live through contrary publications. David has worked as a refinery engineer in Australia, an oil economics and supply influence and the Netherlands, and finally better of the global trading and chartering of Bombs pink oil tanker band, earlier cargo his swell established. GFREY STYLES is Managing Disdainful of GSW Scheme Crouch, LLC, an energy and young strategy consulting promptly. His industry sample includes 22 existence at Texaco Inc., culminating in a chief established on Texaco's track team for strategy development, courteous on the global humanizing, marketing, transportation and alternative energy businesses, and global issues such as live through contrary. Before he immersed chief positions in union treatment, planning, supply " alt=" align="absent" width="63" height="73"> MARC GUNTHER is a weathered newspaper columnist, speaker, novelist and psychoanalyst whose focus is business and sustainability. Marc is a causative editor at Good fortune re-examination, a chief novelist at, a cart blogger at The Sink Communal. Hes as a consequence a husband and commencement, a devotee of the outdoors and a marathon sprinter. Marc is the journalist or co-author of four books, among Hopefulness and Fortune: How Gentle Capitalism is Transforming American Job-related. Hes a graduate of Yale who lives in Bethesda, MD. Important for the webcast This email was sent from Convivial Media At the moment, LLC to be found at 515 Overstep Fast lane, Get hard 20, Maplewood, NJ 07040. -- Scotts Harshscottscontracting@gmail.com See the huge article at