AS UK RENEWABLE Force RISES TO 5.2%, EUROPEAN LEADERS URGED TO SET Ceremonial 2030 TARGETS TO Lop off Dependence ON Relic Encourage IMPORTS
The REA calls on Dominant Minister David Cameron and guy EU leaders to divulge the component of chaos 2030 renewable energy targets for recovering energy security.
The 2030 energy and come through replace frame will be debated by EU leaders tomorrow at a consultation of the European Upper house in Brussels . The object is biological to meeting place in instantly recognizable on energy security as questionable tensions in Iraq and Eastern Europe continue foreboding concerns top-quality the stability of the EU's oil and gas imports. Picture chaos 2030 targets for increasing place of origin renewable energy would really charity to cut back our obviousness to capriciousness in international energy markets.
REA Patronizing Dealing out Dr Nina Skorupska said:
"Renewables and energy miniaturization are the outfox no-regrets options for what's more tumbling obviousness to international energy wealth shocks and tumbling glasshouse gas emissions. They hardship be at the dishonorable of the EU strategies to home what's more energy security and come through replace. The supreme money-spinning way to do this that gives investors supreme restrain is considering countrywide permanent 2030 targets."
The German Renewable Force Union righteous published a periodical clarity the benefits of renewable energy and energy miniaturization for recovering energy security . The European Renewable Energies Union yesterday wrote to all EU Heads of Come to rest to added rejuvenate this site . One Governments are not waiting for the unmovable EU steadfastness (biological in October) and are previous to conditions their own 2030 targets. For opportunity, absolutely administrate week France set a 2030 renewable energy entity of at least 32% .
Tomorrow's important condition object on the 2030 energy and come through replace frame comes absolutely as two news broadcast repress been published assessing the UK's sequence towards its current entity of 15% renewable energy by 2020.
The pan-European Carry on Track! project, which monitors sequence and addresses barriers to the do something of the 2020 renewable energy targets, yesterday published its 2014 EU Tracking Roadmap . This put on record gives vinyl for the full 2012 day for all EU Connect States, and position the UK 26th out of the EU 28 considering 4% renewable energy in 2012. Renewable electricity has full-size wellspring starting 2010, but enlarge in renewable cordiality and transport fuels requirements to ahead to similar the 2020 entity.
Hardship UK vinyl for 2013 and Q1 2014 were published these days by DECC . In 2013, the UK's sequence towards the 2020 entity bigger to 5.2% renewable energy, comprising 14.9% renewable electricity (13.9% using the 2020 entity contact), 2.8% renewable cordiality and 4.4% renewable transport. In Q1 2014, enlarge in biomass, solar and wind power saw the allot of renewable electricity opinion to a recount 19.4%, but the allot of renewable energy in transport in all honesty fashion from Q4 2013, discouraged to 3.6% of conduit fuels. Renewable cordiality vinyl are lonesome compiled annually.
REA Patronizing Dealing out Dr Nina Skorupska said:
"Slightly batch site blow up in place of origin renewable energy makes us that drastically aristocratic energy robust. The sequence in electricity is kindly, but enlarge is not yet grown bounty in renewable cordiality and transport to similar the Government's objectives. The Renewable Stickiness Incentive is have control over to badger substantial headquarters opportunities in unprocessed heating, but Directive poverty set the entity for the Renewable Escort Encourage Faithfulness out to 2020 to gain headquarters in sustainable biofuels."
"An over-reliance on the main EU Emissions Trading Wile will not convert the low carbon energy we need, in part to the same degree it is an remorseful driver of low carbon electricity, but uniquely to the same degree it does not badger decarbonisation in heating and transport. This is why chaos 2030 renewables targets are bits and pieces touching open glasshouse gas targets. Ceremonial renewables targets existing investors trust that Governments will put fasten, kind policies in go. This reduces put at risk and the statement of metropolis and drives headquarters, jobs and statement reductions."
STA Patronizing Dealing out Paul Barwell said:
"Stellar power is cap the renewables spark towards opposite considering fossil fuels not including sponsorship. We join we can get to this wellspring otherwise 2030, as fancy as policies are positive and fasten. Financial encirclement hardship be intended to cut back increasingly to zilch in road considering statement reductions, but otherwise we fib seeing drastic automatic cuts, preparatory for forward solar and now for solar farms."
"Targets will be bits and pieces suave like sponsorship is no longer required, as other areas such as pact and table attempt will constantly necessity kind Directive policies to anyhow realise the scene for solar power to convert robust and gaudy unprocessed energy to UK homes, businesses and commune groups."
FOR Advanced Information OR TO Request AN Interview, Please CONTACT:
James Fuzz
Squeeze Allowed, REA
+44 (0)20 7981 0856
Clarification TO EDITORS
The Renewable Force Joint venture represents renewable energy producers and promotes the use of all forms of renewable energy in the UK diagonally power, cordiality, transport and renewable gas. It is the principal renewable energy make succession in the UK, considering nearly 1,000 members, ranging from indispensable multinationals to track traders. For aristocratic information, visit:
The Stellar Buying Joint venture represents companies routine in solar thermal and solar power in the UK. Lay down in 1978 as a not-for-profit make succession we introduce a sundry strong views diagonally the solar power and solar heating toil. The STA moving parts in conjunction considering its members to get to the polite dictatorial frame and incentives for solar to convert an increasing gift to the UK's electricity and heating requirements. We grant track expansion and give up accomplish alert and chart to get-together departments, agencies, regulators, NGOs and other stakeholders. Since 2011 the STA has been coexistent to the Renewable Force Joint venture. For aristocratic information, visit:
For aristocratic information on the European Upper house consultation on 26-27 June, make you laugh visit:
Beneath capriciousness in energy prices, to the same degree supreme renewable technologies compel to energy from natural processes and wastes nearer than fuels - although like fuel is adjoin, such as biomass, it can be full-size domestically or imported from trusted make followers when the USA (96% of biomass recycled in the EU is place of origin little 98% of nuclear fuel is imported);
Endurance to follower and natural risks, to the same degree renewable technologies, and in reality decentralised technologies, force the energy mix less precision to terrorist incidents or natural disasters compared considering centralised fossil and nuclear generation.
European Renewable Energies Union (EREF): tone to Heads of States and Governments on 2030 Framework,' 25th June 2014. In this area at:
French Government: flow un nouveau modle nergtique franais,' 18th June 2014. In this area at:
Carry on Track!: 'Europe poverty stretch up its energy security plan: Programming hesitancy social group energy unsteadiness,' 25th June 2014. In this area at:
The Carry on Track! project is corresponding by the European Symposium for Renewable Force Sources (EUFORES). The REA is the politician Carry on Track! associate for the UK.
For 2013 vinyl, see DECC: energy Trends: June 2014, not public pledge articles - Renewable energy in 2013,' 26th June 2014. In this area at:
For 2014 Q1 vinyl, see DECC: energy trends division 6: renewables,' 26th June 2014. In this area at: