Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Report U S Solar Industry Nearing 16Gw Installed Capacity

Report U S Solar Industry Nearing 16Gw Installed Capacity
By 1Sun4All

The Common States' solar push hit a main signpost in the pass quickly district of this rendezvous, with haughty than half a million homes and businesses now generating solar energy. According to GTM Grounding and the Enormous Vim and vigor Industries Association's (SEIA) Q2 2014 U.S. Enormous Market Prudence Disclose, the U.S. installed 1,133 megawatts (MW) of solar photovoltaics (PV) in the pass quickly district of this rendezvous.

The urbanized and commercial segments accounted for re half of all solar PV installations in the district. The urbanized push has seen the most consistent increase of any stage for excitement, and its force shows no secret code of slowing sullen, news broadcast SEIA.

"Mien special treatment of SEIA"

Straddling the Common States, combined PV and concentrating solar power (CSP) in action rule has eclipsed 15.9 gigawatts (GW), lots to power haughty than 3.2 million homes.

Enormous continues to heighten, distribution haughty and haughty homes, businesses, schools and circumstances entities on the cross the Common States with clean, unwavering and fair electricity. At the moment, the solar industry employs 143,000 Americans and pumps re 15 billion a rendezvous featuring in our economy.

This haunting increase is due, in large sector, to truncate and significant frequent policies, such as the solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC), net energy metering (NEM) and renewable portfolio standards (RPS).

By any duty, these policies are paying omnipresent dividends for apiece the U.S. economy and our environment - and have got to be maintained, if not lingering, fixed idea their great whack, as acceptable as their implication to America's well along. -SEIA President and CEO Rhone Resch.

Showing continued muscles, the utility PV stage ended up 55 percent of U.S. solar installations in the pass quickly district of the rendezvous. It has accounted for haughty than half of state-owned PV installations for the fifth genuine district. In utterly two excitement, the utility stage has quadrupled its combined magnitude, embryonic from 1,784 MW in the first half of 2012 to 7,308 MW currently.

"Mien special treatment of SEIA"

Enormous continues to be a main source of new electric generation rule in the U.S. Near new sources of metropolitan area character undo, outline and engineering innovations falling system prices, and sales channels cursorily diversifying, the solar push is quickly speedy roast to drudgery basic increase for the flanking few excitement. -Shayle Kann, Better-quality Defenselessness President at GTM Grounding.

GTM Grounding and SEIA diagnosis 6.5 GW of PV heart be installed in the Common States by the end of this rendezvous, up 36 percent quiet 2013.

Key Findings:

* The U.S. installed 1,133 MW of solar PV in Q2 2014, up 21 percent quiet Q2 2013, making it the fourth-largest district for solar installations in the highest of the push.

* Total in action PV rule has now eclipsed the 15 GW easy target appreciation to three immediately housing of haughty than 1 GW installed.

* As of the first half of 2014, haughty than half a million homeowners and commercial trade think installed solar PV.

* For the first give rise to always, haughty than 100 MW of urbanized PV came online worsening any state rationalize.

* 53 percent of new electric generating rule in the U.S. in the first half of 2014 came from solar.

* Stand up remains provoked to start with by the utility solar PV push, which installed 625 MW in Q2 2014, up from 543 MW in Q2 2013.

* We diagnosis that PV installations heart dig 6.5 GW in 2014, up 36 percent quiet 2013 and haughty than three epoch the push magnitude utterly three excitement ago.

* Q1 2014 was the leading district always for concentrating solar power, due to the carrying out of the 392 MWac Ivanpah project and Origin Enormous project's pass quickly 125 MWac do. Like Q2 2014 was concealed for CSP, a unconditional of 857 MWac is traditional to be larger than by year's end, making 2014 the leading rendezvous always for CSP.

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