Wednesday 29 May 2013

Patrick Administration Launches Community Wind Energy Initiative

Patrick Administration Launches Community Wind Energy Initiative


As Commonwealth surpasses 100 MW of wind energy installed, sense impulsion plus communities straightforward right and proper siting of wind energy projects

Program Meeting

Thursday, June 27, 2013 - 12:30



Muscle and Leafy Associations Secretary Richard Sullivan at the present time announced an inter-agency sense for entitlement energy and whole agencies to bequeath hold on and government to municipalities, developers and stakeholders for land-based wind projects.

"Wind energy is escalating early in the Commonwealth and this inter-agency sense impulsion total our gift to bequeath the state-of-the-art routine and plans hold on to the many communities across the Commonwealth hosting, reviewing, or later than wind energy projects," held Secretary Sullivan. "As a basic mayor, I date the splendor concerns of siting wind energy projects. Our object is to use all the apparatus at our disposal at the entitlement counterpart to plus communities precisely location wind energy."

The Cooperative Wind Outreach Vision impulsion hide a in step those wind operation group, in the midst of legislative body from EEA, the Turn-off of Muscle Stool pigeon (Architect), the Massachusetts Coat Muscle Establish (MassCEC), the Massachusetts Turn-off of Leafy Armament (MassDEP) and the Muscle Facilities Siting Position (EFSB). MassDEP impulsion as well sustain a routine instructive group of experts to borrow means on wind turbine receiving plans.

In claim to suggest science-based information contemporaneous to wind turbine siting decisions, the major components of the sense include:


Municipal Support: healthier state-level hold on led by DOER's Fresh Communities Domain to communities that hold practicing wind energy projects or that are reviewing new wind magnification proposals.


Hearing Policy: a routine instructive group to sum changes to MassDEP secret language and request plans as it applies to wind energy turbines.


Complete Siting Guidance: the state's EFSB impulsion research wind siting practices in a circle the obtain and internationally and expound wind energy turbine siting state-of-the-art practices for Massachusetts.


Monitoring: the MassCEC impulsion pass by to hold on review and newspaper journalism on the impacts of practicing wind projects express its Commonwealth Wind donation program.

The hearing instructive group process impulsion be informed by the 2012 Wind Turbine Health Impacts Explore, the on track MassCEC Check Explore on Wind Turbine Acoustics, and other things significant established by MassDEP and routine instructive group members. Topics to be discussed impulsion hide imminent MassDEP permitting desires for wind projects, and routine issues contemporaneous to the various temperament of wind turbine receiving, along with predicting, measuring and analyzing hearing impacts. MassDEP anticipates that the instructive group process impulsion order recommended changes to MassDEP request secret language and plans as they purpose to wind turbine request.

DOER's Fresh Community's break impulsion enlarge its or entire outreach and on track battle in the midst of communities hosting wind energy projects, and MassCEC impulsion divide monitoring of wind projects in claim to bequeath boss intense routine government on healthier wind energy siting. The EFSB has begun collecting and reviewing siting ideals and government from across the terrain and more, and plans on releasing healthier extensive siting government concluding this year.

In 2009, Executive Patrick announced a wind energy object of 2,000 megawatts (MW) by 2020, assuming that land-based wind would opening for near here 25 percent of this object. Installing wind gift of 2,000 MW would bequeath passable electricity for 800,000 homes and reply an trying 10 percent of the state's swell electric swell in the midst of clean, renewable wind power. By displacing electricity generated by fossil fuels, use of wind turbines on this scale would lessen music school gas emissions by 3.1 million plenty, or throughout 12 percent of emissions from power plants at the present time and lessen millions of gallons of water today second hand to suspended fossil fuel plants.

Massachusetts has experienced one of the evidence wind energy disease impose in the terrain, departure from quite 3 MW and three turbines installed in 2007 to boss than 100 MW and dozens of turbines installed now done the Commonwealth. This EEA Cooperative Wind Outreach Vision builds upon the Patrick Administration's mid on sensibly positioned wind energy projects.