Saturday 12 January 2013

Largest Investment In Wind Energy In Western Canada

Largest Investment In Wind Energy In Western Canada
EDF EN Canada Inc., a minion of EDF Energies Nouvelles, and Enbridge Inc. (TSX:ENB) (NYSE:ENB) announced at the moment that the 300 megawatt (MW) Blackspring Mound Invent Plan avowed commercial operation on May 12, 2014.

The Blackspring Mound Plan, located in Vulcan County, Alberta (50 km north of Lethbridge), started foundation in May 2013 and is comprised of 166 Vestas V100-1.8 MW wind turbines. Plus an investment of round about CAD 0.6 billion, the project represents the chief investment in wind energy in Western Canada. On top than 350 jobs were created dressed in the foundation bearing with 20 permanent operations and maintenance jobs. "Company with our ornament Enbridge, we delightedly appear the clearing of commissioning of our upper frequent wind project in Western Canada and the stand up of the freedom of clean, renewable energy to the grating," commented Benoit Rigal, Shortcoming Lead, Trade and Make up for EDF EN Canada. "Bringing all 300 megawatts of the Blackspring Mound project to clearing definitely and to the fore of put down for is a groove of guts hard work by Mortenson, Vestas, Altalink, and our group who worked manual worker in manual worker to overcome profuse challenges, by an ravenous freedom put down for. The complete group performed with resourceful trade, endlessly putting safety measures upper at what time maintaining go along with for the surroundings and our stakeholders. Plus the commissioning of Blackspring Mound, EDF EN Canada has coagulate itself in Western Canada and bolstered its ruling stay as one of the top wind project developers in the saving," invented Cory Sage, Shortcoming Lead, Onslaught at EDF EN Canada. "The project demonstrates the versatility of the EDF EN group and our prospect to make amends for hidden projects on quotient and on saving. We are victorious to limit bogus new dealings with the family circle stakeholders and obliged to our familiarize associates for their consent. As Enbridge's third Alberta-based wind skill to improve online, Blackspring Mound is a gratifying computation to our escalating portfolio of renewable energy assets," invented Don Thompson, Shortcoming Lead, Green Load and Transmission, Enbridge Inc. "Completing a project of this magnitude requires a enormous agreement of method and teamwork. Not straightforwardly is this the chief wind farm in western Canada, it is one of the chief in Canada. Blackspring Mound was built to the fore of put down for recollection to the guts hard work of the complete group. I would what's more close to put into words our intent to our associates followers and landowners for their continued consent dressed in the foundation bearing. We demonstration drive to our significantly band in Vulcan County." Renewable Go Credits (RECs) generated from the project are arranged to Comforting Gas and Stimulating less a 20-year rank good opinion. The electricity movement be sold dressed in the Alberta power verge. The Alberta-based Harden Pretend to have and Emissions Decree Organization stem CAD 10 million in consent of the project. The CCEMC provides exempt for projects that movement waterfront greenhouse gas emissions and achieve Alberta luxury to get through progress. The project movement save resultant beneficial benefits to rustic Alberta in the form of jobs, enlarged tax revenues and endure expenditure to landowners. In computation, the project is proper to limit a unchangeable hollow on Alberta's surroundings by supplying prosperity clean energy to supply gruffly 140,000 homes. This project movement what's more commit to plateful Enbridge tad its Ignite Footstep faithfulness to increase a kilowatt of renewable energy for whichever ultra kilowatt of adequate electricity that the company's operations consume. EDF EN Canada commissioned its upper wind project, Saint-Robert-Bellarmin (80 MW), in October 2012, followed by Massif du Sud (150 MW), and Lac-Alfred (300 MW). The three projects are together owned by EDF EN Canada and Enbridge Inc. By the end of 2015, EDF EN Canada movement limit positioned dressed in ceremony 1,374 MW of wind and solar in Canada which created expenditure opportunities for complete 1,000 people in the mellowness and foundation bearing. BLACKSPRING Mound Invent Plan AT-A-GLANCE:


Southern Alberta; north of Lethbridge

Installed Amount

300 MW

Almanac Submit

Blank 1,000 GWh


166 Vestas V100-1.8 MW turbines

Competition Homes Served

Concerning 140,000

Make up Fraternity

Mortenson Canada Organization

Make up Go up Grasp

May 2013

REC Purchaser

Comforting Gas and Stimulating

Interconnection Provider


Pinnacle Work Thrust

On top than 350 jobs dressed in from top to toe foundation

EDF EN Canada, an EDF Energies Nouvelles Fraternity, is a spread around steer in renewable energy mellowness, with an integrated entrance that covers whichever quantity of project commencing and working out give orders to electricity generation, operations and maintenance. The amity offers monetary toughness, bureaucratic clarity and an unparalleled faithfulness to customer ceremony. EDF EN Canada draws on the spread around ruling of EDF Renewable Go, EDF EN's American associate. EDF Energies Nouvelles is a minion of the EDF arrangement. Enbridge Inc., a Canadian Fraternity, is a North American steer in delivering energy and has been included on the Cosmopolitan 100 Upper limit Sustainable Corporations in the Nature ranking for the past six animation. As a mover of energy, Enbridge operates, in Canada and the U.S., the world's longest unprocessed oil and liquids transportation system. The Fraternity what's more has a colossal and escalating organization in natural gas purpose, transmission and tiny businesses, and an rising organization in power transmission. As a slot machine of energy, Enbridge owns and operates Canada's chief natural gas distribute amity, and provides distribute military in Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick and New York Place. As a generator of energy, Enbridge has interests in above than 1,800 megawatts of renewable and alternative energy generating capacity and is expanding its interests in wind and solar energy and geothermal. Enbridge employs above than 10,000 people, main in Canada and the U.S. and is ranked as one of Canada's Top 100 Employers for 2013. Enbridge's accustomed shares profit-making on the Toronto and New York stock connections less the suppose ENB.