Tuesday, 22 July 2008

Auction Of Offshore Land Could Mean Wind Will Generate Power For Half Of Massachusetts Residences

Auction Of Offshore Land Could Mean Wind Will Generate Power For Half Of Massachusetts Residences
Dec 29, 2014

by Meteor Blades on Daily Kos

Next month, Jan. 29 to be exact, the U.S. Department of Interior plans to auction more than 742,000 acres off Massachusetts for the development of commercial wind energy. The auction is for the Massachusetts Wind Energy Area, which starts at 12 nautical miles off the coast and extends 33 nautical miles southward. West to east, it extends some 47 nautical miles. It is the largest competitive lease sale for offshore wind so far.

Part of the Obama administration's Climate Action Plan, the sale will triple the amount of land available for wind-energy projects.

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory, a division of the Department of Energy, says full development of the area could support 4-5 gigawatts of commercial wind energy.

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Source: amosrenewableenergy.blogspot.com